Exciting News: We're Having Another Baby!! | Celebration Stylist | Popular Party Planning Blog

Exciting News: We're Having Another Baby!!

Exciting News from popular party blogger Celebration Stylist

Exciting News! We are so thrilled to announce that we are having another baby! And Lilah is so excited that she is going to be a big sister. I'm only 9.5 weeks along but I feel comfortable sharing the news at this point. I'm due on May 6th {Cinco de Mayo baby?} I've been so nauseous and exhausted every single day but really hoping it gets better in the coming weeks. Please, send me your tricks! Surviving the day with a toddler and running a business while feeling so run down is no easy task. But still, I do feel so very lucky to be able to share this exciting news. We find out the gender in about 2 weeks. But so that you better understand these pictures, let me explain how I told my husband in the first place.

Let's start from the beginning. The first time around, after suffering a disappointing chemical pregnancy and a devastating miscarriage, when we found out we were pregnant for the third time {with Lilah} we were very skeptical. It wasn't until I made it to the second trimester then that we felt comfortable enough to really get excited. So this time, I didn't want fear to prevent us from celebrating. I wanted the exciting moment that I always pictured it would be. There was no way I was just going to walk out of the bathroom with a test in my hand, again, it had to be better than that.

I devised a plan to have the exciting news photographed, because moments like these always turn out to be the best photos. I found out on a Friday and did not tell him until Sunday which felt like forever. He's not exactly one to drop everything for a photo shoot. I also knew his work schedule would get in the way so I told him I had to do a campaign for a card company, like I often do for work, and he agreed to be in it. I bought 2 cards from the store and told he and Lilah to stand back to back as one of my friends snapped some photos of them holding the cards for this "campaign". Then as she kept snapping, I told them both to turn around at the same time. That's when he saw that I had swapped her card for a sign announcing that she was going to be a big sister. After a moment of confusion, you can see he was very excited! And I am so thrilled to have this memory photographed.

Exciting News from popular party blogger Celebration Stylist

Exciting News from popular party blogger Celebration Stylist

Exciting News from popular party blogger Celebration Stylist

Exciting News from popular party blogger Celebration Stylist

Exciting News from popular party blogger Celebration Stylist

Exciting News from popular party blogger Celebration Stylist


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