1. Pencil Cookies
All you need to make these are wafer cookies, icing, food coloring, and chocolate chips. You could try it with waffles or rice krispy treats too! Looking for an even easier option? Trader Joes sells the sweetest cinnamon letter cookies - no DIY necessary.2. Dry Erase Checklist
Put your daily checklist in a picture frame and use dry eraser markers to check off the boxes each day and easily erase for the next. You can easily hang it on the wall too.3. Celebrate School
School, home school, or virtual school - we got you! We got printables for your home school, home work station or back to school celebration. Join our monthly membership for unlimited downloads for less than the average price of one Etsy download. Join Now!4. Favorite School Books
These are our favorite educational activity books for kids of all ages. We have several of them! Shop them here.5. Back to School Breakfast
Have a donut breakfast for the first day of school or have a summer send off party the day before. Keep it safe and simple by printing some printables to decorate with. We added some back to school must haves to our Amazon shop here.6. Daily Calendar
I created this for my daughter who will be home doing school virtually for at least 6 weeks. I thought it would be fun for her morning routine each day. It's simple and inexpensive to DIY. First join the confetti and download the printables, located under "back to school". Then just pop the first page in a tabletop or wall mounted acrylic sign holder and cut out the rest of the pieces. Use a hot glue gun to attach mini clothespins to the acrylic, wherever needed. You can laminate the attachments for more durability.
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